Mar 10, 2016

Objects Permanence

The title of our journal page is
"I'd Like My Crayons Back Please"
but I'm not going to pretend like
my box of crayons isn't on a dusty shelf in my room
because that's exactly where they are

I'm an artist, a musician, a friend
I carry my "crayons" with me wherever I go
but If my crayons could talk
they would tell you
how much potential I had
and all of the things that I didn't create with them

They would tell you about how rarely I use them
and how they only get used enough
to keep the dust from collecting

At the end of the day
crayons are just tools
and what are tools without somebody to use them


Without crayons life would be like a school hallway
lined with pictures that each child drew
and all of them were in black pen
There would be no expression
I can't express myself like I can
with my crayons

Maybe it's time that I take out some new coloring books...

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