Mar 20, 2016

Why Are You so Afraid?

Fear is one of the most confusing emotions I've ever experienced

Why is it that fear is so varied
and so inconsistent

How is it that some people see clowns
and have chills sent through their back
but others see clowns and think of
the sun-blistering heat of a summer carnival

Does this mean that fear is a learned behavior?
but if that's the case

then why do most people have a common fear of spiders
or death
or heights

I would propose that it is because we are
uncertain of the outcomes
but we don't want to test it ourselves..

"What happens when we die?"
"How long would it take for me to fall from here.."
"......where did that spider go??"

But why do we have to know?
Why are we as humans so afraid of not knowing things

How do we even know that the fear I experience
is the same feeling that you call fear
how can both of these scenarios both describe real fear
when they are on such different levels

1. "I'm afraid of going up and saying hi to that girl"
2. "I'm afraid that my hopitalized mother isn't going to make it through the night. Who could ever replace her?"

I would argue that
it is completely embarassing
that those two things are both real fears
when the consequences aren't even comparable

Whoever wrote the book on fear must have died in the process
because I'm not convinced that he knew what he was talking about

fear is many things, and I don't know them all

the more I try to learn about fear
the less I understand about it
and that's terrifying

maybe the less I know
the better


  1. "Whoever wrote the book on fear must have died in the process"

    this post is so good wow and that art is so cool and creepy

    1. This is almost exactly what I was going to say.

      And the two options that aren't even comparable. Why would we ever be afraid of the first one?

    2. I don't know why we would. It's definitely real though.

  2. "I would propose that it is because we are
    uncertain of the outcomes
    but we don't want to test it ourselves.."

    "But why do we have to know?"

    "the more I try to learn about fear
    the less I understand about it
    and that's terrifying"

    Ugh, all of this. I agree with everything you said. This honestly made me feel so much it's unreal.

  3. "But why do we have to know?
    Why are we as humans so afraid of not knowing things"

    You bring up an interesting point here. This got me wondering why is it so common to be pessimistic about things we don't have the answers to? To be afraid of what we don't know. I don't really understand that, but I also do. I'm pretty hopeful that everything unanswered is better than they've been made out to be. I guess we'll see.


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